Three. Two. One. HAPPY NEW YEAR! And just like that – the stresses from the past can be let go as a bright new year of possibilities opens its door. So what’s your resolution? Better budgeting? More money in your pockets each month? How about a healthier lifestyle? Whatever your goals may be, Docupop has your guide to a successful start to 2019 with tips to conquer some of America’s most popular New Year’s resolutions.
1.) Pop Up With Positivity
No matter what your 2019 brings, attitude can make a daily difference in your overall happiness. This year, when the alarm strikes 6am, pop up with positivity. The more you hit the snooze button, the more likely you are to dwell on the demands of the day. Instead, start your day off right with a positive affirmation, a morning run, or even 10 jumping jacks right out of bed. Even if weight loss isn’t a goal this year, an early morning pep routine can boost your energy levels, release endorphins to put you in a better mood, and increase productivity all throughout the day.
2.) Eat Healthier
Eating well isn’t about a number on the scale, it’s about becoming a healthier, stronger you – whatever size that may be. Let’s start easy. First, cut out the soda, fast food, and any try to limit items with a ton of preservatives. These foods typically don’t have much nutritional value and can even lead to dangerous diseases like diabetes if consumed in high volumes. The secret? The fresher the better! Fresh (not canned) fruits, veggies and healthy snacks like hummus and snap peas are the basics. Next, incorporate a good source of daily protein like salmon, baked chicken, or even nuts for those of you who steer clear of meat. Short on time? Replace the morning drive-thru with a healthy smoothie. Add Strawberries, bananas, kale, pineapples and almond milk into the blender. Blend, transfer to a to-go cup and you’re out the door!
3.) Master Better Budgeting
Whether better budgeting was on your New Year’s resolution list or not, improving your finances is always a good topic to brush up on. First, take a look at last year’s numbers. Were you happy with each cent spent, or can you spot some areas that could use some improvement? If overspending was an issue, try and cut down on unnecessary expenses. Dining out less, brewing coffee at home, and setting a weekly spending cap on clothes and entertainment can all help you keep your budget in check. Another major expense for nearly 44 million Americans, is student loan debt. If a student loan statement is in your pile of bills, you might want to check out a consolidation. A consolidation could help you lower your payment and free up more cash each month. If you need help understanding which repayment options you may qualify for, Docupop is a great place to start.
4.) Workout
If you’re looking to expand your morning pop up routine to a full on workout, this tip’s for you! Paired with the healthy eating habits from #2, working out can help you improve the way you look and feel. Not sure which workout is best for you? Well, let’s start with your goals. If you’re looking to lose weight, cardio such as running or biking paired with weight training could help. If you’re happy with your weight, but are looking to tone up, try pilates or yoga. If you’re not sure what to do, try a few group classes and pick the best fit for you. Boxing, zumba and barre are offered in just about every city and are great ways to stay fit and even make a few new friends. Not only will you feel great after moving your body, but working out can also help you reduce stress, improve your energy, and increases the chances of living a longer life.
5.) Boost your credit score
Is a new car, your first home, or another big purchase on your 2019 wishlist? If so, great credit could save you a ton of money! A higher score could help qualify you for lower interest rates and even card perks like cashback and travel rewards. So how do you increase your credit score? Paying your bills on-time and diversifying your profile are great credit practices; but if you’re looking to achieve a higher score than what you have now, our preferred partners at ScoreShuttle may be able to help! Their credit-enhancing technology can help you achieve the number you might be after in hyperspeed. To learn more, click here to see how far your score could grow in 2019!
Disclaimer: Always talk to your doctor before diving into a new workout routine or changing your diet. Safety first.
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