The scariest day of the year is just around the corner! This means it’s time to prep for the spooky days to come. Whether you’re ‘gobblin’ up ideas for a new costume or looking for activities that won’t crush your holiday budget, we’ve got your back. Here are 5 tips under $5 for an epic Halloween.
Visit a Pumpkin Patch
Before any Halloween celebrations begin, a visit to your local pumpkin patch is a total must! Not only can you snag an affordable pumpkin for carving, but the event itself is a tradition many families enjoy together each year. Don’t plan on spending any money? No worries! It’s just as fun to go for the free admission, festive adventures, and cute pics!
Get Crafty With Costumes
Cool costumes don’t have to break the ‘boo’ bank. Instead of a trip to a pricey pop-up shop, try one these! Gather some boxes, tape, markers, and a few cans of non-toxic paint. Throw it together and boom – you’re a robot! If bulky megabytes aren’t quite your style – a little bit of hairspray, flashy makeup, and some old spandex can transform you into a 80’s pop star in no time!
Create a Haunted House – Minus the Scary Cost
Keep ghosts and witches out of sight with frighteningly cheap decorations. Craft spider webs are fairly inexpensive and you can cover tons of space with them. To add some flying flair, grab black construction paper and string to create hanging spider cutouts in between the webs. If you’re going for more of a ‘horror’ look, try washable, non-toxic body paint (maybe even from a can in tip #1 – if it’s safe to use on skin) to create fake ‘bloody’ hand-prints sure to give guests a scare.
Host a Halloween Party
Struggling to find a Halloween event that won’t cost you a fortune? Don’t let that darken your Halloween spirit. Instead, invite your friends and family to your home for a night of fun. Tell all guest to bring something to the table for a wide selection of Halloween goodies. And remember, the scarier – the better! Need a dish idea? Get some grapes and peel off the skin. Throw into a bowl and add a cover so guests can touch – but they can’t see. Then whala, you have some slimy ‘eyeballs’ ewww.
Play Gobblin Games
If you thought party props were the only Halloween highlights – think again. Apple bobbing is a fun game that guarantees laughter at your gathering. All you need to do is fill up two large containers with washed apples and cool water. Now, let the game begin! Need a rule refresher? Divide into two teams and let a player from each team compete against each other. It’s a ‘no hands’ kind of game, which means that the first person to grab an apple with just their mouth wins the game.
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