Back To School Budgeting

Three big reminders come with the month of August: summer vacation is over, the budget is tighter than usual, and the kiddos are going back-to-school! With the school start right around the corner, Docupop crafted a back-to-school guide to keep you and your kids on track and under budget for their big first day.

1.) Stock up & save on school supplies. 

New school year, new school supplies. Wait, does it have to be new though? Not at all! Before you spend a ton of money on new purchases, take a look around your own house to see if there are any leftover supplies from a previous year. Next, check with friends and family. You’ll be surprised by how much you could save just by starting at square one; your home.

2.) Hunt for summer clearance sales.

Even after your turn your house upside down​, there will most likely be a few items or especially clothing that simply need an upgrade . Before you hit the racks to buy brand new, take inventory of potential hand-me-downs from siblings or from your close social circle.  There are tons of parents who post almost daily selling off gentle used kids clothing for super cheap.  If nothing says, “first day flare,” lucky for you, August is a huge summer sale month.  Bring your kids to the summer clearance section and let them pick out their favorite 3 outfits at a discounted rate. Happy kids, happy you.

3.) Get back to weekly routines.

Tip 3 may not necessary save you money, but it could save you a ton of stress! Taking a break from weekly routines during summer break is nice for the kids. However, as we approach the upcoming school year, it’s time to let the kids adjust back to their more organized school routines. House chores, earlier bedtimes, and eating daily meals at set times can help kids get back to healthy routines that will prepare them for the school start.

4.) Sign up for free extracurricular activities.

School soccer, cheerleader, piano lessons, they all add up.  This year, why not get involved in some free (or at least close to free) activities you and your kids can even do together.  Hiking, bike riding, a little basketball in the park are great ways to stay active and have fun – but what about volunteering?  Sports are awesome.  They teach your kids about being a team player, learning about competition and how to better handle the wins and maybe even a few losses in life.  Similar character traits can also be taught with volunteer work.  Working at a local food back or even participating in a beach clean-up are things the entire family can learn from, feel good about and not spend a dime on.

5.) Winter is coming… set a new budget.

Summer often leaves budgets tighter than usual. As the temperatures start to drop, perhaps take some time to look for upcoming expenses so you can be prepared for what’s coming your way. It might seem distant now, but before you know it, the holiday season will be knocking on your door. To help prepare, try and save a little more each month, even $10 or $20 bucks here and there can really add up come December.

Happy back-to-school season!