by Madelene Hissom | Nov 5, 2018
FACT: 1 out of 6 student loan borrowers is currently in default! Shocking yes. More importantly, why? Expensive housing costs, low paying jobs, and unattainable payments are causing many student borrowers to file for a forbearance – or, dare we say it… a... by Madelene Hissom | Sep 11, 2018
For the past hundred or so years, home ownership has been at the top of the American dream list. Buying a house wasn’t just a place to raise a family, it was a lifelong legacy to either financially grow from – or, past down to the next generation. But... by Irene Hernandez | Jul 24, 2018
To put it bluntly, Millennials are now the first generation to be worse off financially than their parents. One of the main causes? Massive amounts of student loan debt. To most, the high cost of monthly student loan payments aren’t just a nuisance,... by Madelene Hissom | Jul 16, 2018
Student debt, work, bills and motherhood! It’s a lot for anyone to juggle; but when you’re flying solo, balance can be darn near impossible. So what’s a mom to do? First, let’s tip our hats and give a big thanks to the 13 million hard working... by Liz Richards | Jul 9, 2018
Summer is finally here! For most, the season of sun comes with the big 3: beach, barbecues, and breaking away with a solid vacay. The problem? Vacations are mega expensive! But here’s the secret; they don’t have to be! Check out Docupop’s top 5 super... by Liz Richards | May 21, 2018
6, 5, 4, 3, 2 ,1. It’s not a rocket launch. It’s the amount of time new grads have before your very first student loan bill arrives. “Wait, you mean all of that money I borrowed for school, housing, and food has to be paid back?” Oh yea. All...