The Student Loan Conundrum: Can Bankruptcy Be Your Get-Out-of-Debt Card?
Picture this: you’re sipping your overpriced coffee, scrolling through memes about the “Millennial Dream” (aka finally owning a home). Then, BAM—your student loan debt balance pops into your mind. If you’ve ever thought, “Can I just declare bankruptcy and start fresh?” let’s dive in. A Brief History of Student Loans and Bankruptcy Before 1976, student…
Literally Everything You Need to Know About a Student Loan Consolidation
Overwhelmed by student loan debt? Serious debt relief may be available. Here’s everything you need to know about student loan consolidation.
Student Loan Forgiveness: What Student Loans Are Being Forgiven?
The burden of student loan debt has reached historic levels, with over 43 million Americans owing a collective $1.75 trillion in federal and private loans as of 2024. The prospect of student loan forgiveness programs has offered a ray of hope to many. But what exactly does student loan forgiveness entail, and which loans are…
Highest Student Loan Debt: The Top Ten Professions as per their hierarchy
Who has the highest student loan debt? Student loan debt has become a defining financial burden for millions of Americans, especially for those pursuing careers that require advanced degrees or specialized training. While higher education often leads to lucrative careers, the cost of earning those degrees can be staggering. Understanding which professions are associated with…
Student Loan Payment Pause Extended to August 31st, 2023: Here’s What You Need to Know
Learn the latest information regarding the payment pause extension along with 7 ways Docupop can help you prepare for when it officially comes to an end.
5 Tips To Help You Land Your Dream Job
In the market for a new job? Skills, experience and the gift of gab may not be enough. Here’s 5 industry game changers to help you land the perfect gig.
Update: Extended CARES Act Relief For Most Federal Student Loan Borrowers
President Trump has signed an executive order extending the benefits of the CARES Act to most federal student loan borrowers until December 31st, 2020. Here’s what you need to know.
Guide to COVID-19 Financial Relief and Payment Deferment Options
If COVID-19 is impacting your ability to pay your bills, this guide covers some of the financial relief and payment deferment options that may be available.
How the CARES Act Impacts Student Loans
Under the new CARES Act, federal student loan payments have been placed on hold until September 30th, 2020. Here’s what you need to know.
My Student Loans Went to Collections! Now What?
This guide explores what it means to be in student loan collections -with solutions to get out, for good.