by Madelene Hissom | Nov 5, 2018
FACT: 1 out of 6 student loan borrowers is currently in default! Shocking yes. More importantly, why? Expensive housing costs, low paying jobs, and unattainable payments are causing many student borrowers to file for a forbearance – or, dare we say it… a... by Madelene Hissom | Sep 24, 2018
We all face financial obstacles in life. Job loss, family illness or even a natural disaster like Hurricane Florence could all affect a borrower’s ability to make their student loan payments. If your situation has you tipping towards a default, it might be time... by Madelene Hissom | Sep 11, 2018
For the past hundred or so years, home ownership has been at the top of the American dream list. Buying a house wasn’t just a place to raise a family, it was a lifelong legacy to either financially grow from – or, past down to the next generation. But... by Madelene Hissom | Aug 28, 2018
The post-grad reality for most Americans? Busy schedules, long days of work and mega tight budgets. Add student loan debt to the list and managing adulthood can be exhausting. Give yourself a break with Docupop’s guide to de-stressing from debt. Take a walk... by Madelene Hissom | Aug 14, 2018
Three big reminders come with the month of August: summer vacation is over, the budget is tighter than usual, and the kiddos are going back-to-school! With the school start right around the corner, Docupop crafted a back-to-school guide to keep you and your kids on... by Madelene Hissom | Aug 7, 2018
What’s the one thing that just about every student loan borrower has in common? Answer: the wish for student loan forgiveness. As helpful as it can be, few borrowers actually know how it works – or who qualifies. Even though there are several types of...