Student Loan Payment Pause Extended to August 31st, 2023: Here’s What You Need to Know
Learn the latest information regarding the payment pause extension along with 7 ways Docupop can help you prepare for when it officially comes to an end.
Safely Celebrate the 4th of July with a Budget Bang
Get more bang for your bucks! Here are 3 ways to celebrate your 4th of July weekend with your state’s safety guidelines in mind.
Sweet 16 College Debt Rankings
Find out if your team is getting a slam dunk – or a game changing upset when it comes their official 2018 student loan debt ranking…
All I Want For The Holidays? My Student Debt To Go Away…
According to a recent poll by The Washington Post, 70% of student borrowers would rather have a payment made towards their student loans instead of a fancy gift to unwrap this year. With the student debt crisis crippling in at over 1.4 trillion dollars, it’s no wonder that getting these massive debts paid off is…
Holiday Shopping With Student Loan Debt?
Shopping with student loan debt this season? Holiday gift buying is stressful enough, but adding in your monthly student loan payments can potentially break the budget if you’re not careful. So what can you do to stretch your holiday dollar? Well, LOTS! Check out our top 10 ways to save in Docupop’s 2017 holiday budget…
Could Unpaid Student Loans Cost You Your job?
We know what you’re thinking: wait, what… is this for real?! Oh yea; not only is this real, it’s happening in 19 states across the country! According to the New York Times, creditors are taking new (and in our opinion quite low) measures to get borrowed money back from struggling graduates. For those who’ve defaulted and…