Equal Pay For Equal Student Loan Debt? Not So Much.

According to The American Association of University Women, females account for two-thirds of the student loan debt in America. That number now makes up a shocking 890+ billion dollars in unpaid dues. So why is this number so high? Well, there’s good news and bad news here. For starters, women are more likely to go to college than men. I mean… woohoo for higher education! Secondly, women typically take out more loans than men. Partially because of the level of education and universities they choose, but also partially due to reason number three: the gender gap. Wait… so this is still a thing? Yes, on average women make roughly $10,086 less per year than men do. But the struggle doesn’t stop there. It also cost more money just to be a woman. Ever heard of the, “pink tax?” This cute nickname has an expensive meaning. Although not legally-binding, the pink tax refers to the additional cost of simply a being female. The cost of pads, tampons and bras can really add up overtime. Even everyday purchases like razors, body wash, clothes and shampoo are typically marked up at a higher rate when catered to women. Is it fair? No. Is it the reality for most women? Unfortunately, yes. So here’s three things you can do about it.

1.) Do your research

Before you apply for any job, find out what the low, average and high rate of pay is based on your level of experience and state you live in. This is literally a quick web search using sites like Glassdoor or even LinkedIn.

2.) Negotiate your pay

Many times, women take a backseat when it comes to asking for a higher rate because we don’t want to seem like a, dare we say it… “a B-word”. Here’s a tip: don’t take the first offer! Know the going rate, know your worth – and ask for it!

3.) Simplify your student loan debt

If you’re still having trouble making ends meet each month, look at getting into a better repayment plan to fit your current needs and budget. There are tons of options and government programs available to help grads possibly lower, reduce or even forgive some of your debt if you qualify. Click here to see which program is right for you and your pocketbook.





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