How Much Is Your College Football Rivalry Costing You?

When most of us think of November, three main themes tend to come to mind: fall, food and of course, FOOTBALL! As millions of Americans flock to the field (or the big screens) to watch their favorite college rivalries (i.e. Ohio State vs. Michigan, Alabama vs. LSU, Clemson vs. Florida State etc.) battle it out on the football field, we couldn’t help but to think… who’s really winning and losing when it comes to the amount of student loan debt from these top schools? In addition to the devoted allegiance and team spirit we have for our Alma Maters, one thing most of us also share with our fellow alumni is the amount of student loan debt it cost us to get there. Ready to find out if your favorite college has their rival beat when it comes to scoring BIG in affordable education? Check out this season’s top ten debt winners and losers below.


Official Student Debt Ranking of America’s Top 10 College Football Rivalries:


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The numbers above reflect the average amount of student loan debt acquired annually, as reported by CollegeData, (which we then multiplied by 4 in order to achieve a bachelor’s degree) at each of the schools listed. These figures are most likely on the LOW end since they do not take into account inflation or future tuition hikes (yikes am I right?)! Another interesting discovery may give you an ever BIGGER sticker shock! Even if a college or university has a lower/higher annual tuition rate, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the average number of student loan debt acquired is always lower/higher. Take The University for Miami for example. The annual total cost of attendance (tuition, fees, books, housing etc.) is about $64,306 a year or $257,224 for a 4-year bachelor’s degree. Wait… What?! Yea, we know… it’s a lot, but keep in mind that this is a private school and the average cost of attendance is by far the most expensive on our list. However, according to student debt stats, they are actually ranked the LOWEST of the bunch when it comes to the amount of money students typically borrow in order to attend. So why is this? Well, a couple of factors may come into play here. The amount of scholarships awarded, the amount of financial aid issued – or, just the average student’s (and/or their family’s) ability to pay out-of-packet may all attribute to the amount of loans needed. So what can you do from here? Glad you asked.

Still looking for the right jersey to represent?

For those on the hunt for the best education (and course the best team) at an affordable price, make sure to shop around. See what the bottom line cost is and ask questions about financial aid programs and scholarships. If your favorite team doesn’t clock in at the lowest price and you need help paying, make sure to research and find the lowest student loan interest rate available before you sign on the dotted line. Or, dare I say it… perhaps look into other more reasonably priced school options that might not have the sports fame you want – but could end up saving you the extra money your future budget may need.

Already a part of the alumni?

If you’re rooting for your team in the alumni stands, unfortunately the debt damage is already done – but that doesn’t mean you can’t do a little clean-up effort on the back-end. If you have private loans, check to see if refinancing with a lower interest rate is possible. If you have federal student loans, make sure you’re enrolled in the BEST repayment plan possible to fit your unique needs and income. Whether it’s a quicker payoff term, a LOWER monthly payment – or, possibly even forgiveness options you’re after, do your research and make sure you weigh out all of the benefits you qualify for. If you get stuck or need help navigating through the red tape, third party pros like are here to help you find and apply for the right repayment program for you! Give us a call direct at (866) 884-5021 for your FREE consultation with one of our knowledgeable student loan debt experts. Or, click the start button below for some lightning fast DIY options. So before the playoffs begin, huddle up and get into the right repayment program to fit all of your fan needs today!


Student Loan Debt Estimates: Estimates shown were collected utilizing College Data’s annual student loan debt averages. The annual estimates listed were then multiplied by 4 to in order to achieve an approximate stat for a 4-year bachelor’s degree. These estimates do not account for possible tuition increases/decreases or inflation rates.

Current Top Ten Rivalry Ranking:

Disclaimer: Docupop is a private company, not affiliated with the Department of Education. The DOE offers several programs that may offer lower monthly loan payments for borrowers who meet the qualifications based on income and family size. Lower monthly payments may lead to longer student loan maturity periods, increasing the total amount of interest over the life of the loan. The DOE also offers programs that may forgive some or all of the borrower’s loan balance. The Public Service Loan Forgiveness program (PSLF) is based on the number of qualified payments made under the program while working full-time for a qualifying employer. Other programs require a specific number of qualifying payments and then forgive the remaining balance once those payments are completed, without any public service obligation. Depending on the type of forgiveness, any amounts forgiven may be treated as taxable income for income tax purposes, please consult your tax professional. More information can be found on the DOE website:

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