How To De-Stress From Student Loan Debt

The post-grad reality for most Americans? Busy schedules, long days of work and mega tight budgets. Add student loan debt to the list and managing adulthood can be exhausting. Give yourself a break with Docupop’s guide to de-stressing from debt.

Take a walk

Sometimes, we just have to ‘walk away’ from ourselves to press pause on our internal shatter. Meaning, literally taking a walk. Around your neighborhood, the park, or the beach – whatever is easily accessible to you. Allow yourself a break from other people to really focus on yourself. Did you know that we unconsciously start to de-stress just by being surrounded by water and green life?

Read a book

Turn off your phone and put it away. It’s your turn to de-stress the good old way by – wait for it… reading a book! We’re not talking about the newspaper, articles, or magazines – just a good old book. Whether it’s a novel or a personal development story, just lay down and start reading. The key here is making sure you’re not distracted by your phone. You deserve it!

Get crafty

Use your hands to rewind. Pick up your pen to start drawing, plant a flower, decorate your house, knit, or play an instrument. Research shows that repetitive motions help us relax. If you’re not a crafty person or don’t know how to play instruments – find your own source of peace. Lighting candles for a cozy bath can be just as relaxing as the sound of music.

Eat healthy food

How many times have you heard others talk about the importance of eating healthy meals? Guess what, it’s 100% true! At least one salad every day makes a happy body and a happy mind. Be kind to your body by helping it absorb all the natural energy that comes with good foods. If you’re a chocolate lover, enjoy dark chocolate for de-stressing purpose. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants which lower levels of stress hormones in your body.


There are many forms of meditation, and you don’t need much experience to have a successful practice. First, lay down in a quiet space with minimal distractions. Next, focus on your breath and simply imagine yourself walking to your favorite place where you feel free of stress. Lastly, pay attention to all your senses such as touch, smell, and noises that exists here, to reduce your stress level.

Next time you feel anxious, you have the tools to quickly recover from stress.


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