Student Loan Forgiveness: What Student Loans Are Being Forgiven?
The burden of student loan debt has reached historic levels, with over 43 million Americans owing a collective $1.75 trillion in federal and private loans as of 2024. The prospect of student loan forgiveness programs has offered a ray of hope to many. But what exactly does student loan forgiveness entail, and which loans are…
Student Loan Bankruptcy: Can Student loans be discharged in bankruptcy?
You’re not alone if you’re struggling with substantial student loan debt. As of 2024, Americans collectively owe over $1.75 trillion in student loans, a staggering figure that underscores the growing financial burden on borrowers. For many, bankruptcy is seen as a lifeline to escape crushing debt—but what about student loans? Can you file for bankruptcy…
Student Loan Payment Pause Extended to August 31st, 2023: Here’s What You Need to Know
Learn the latest information regarding the payment pause extension along with 7 ways Docupop can help you prepare for when it officially comes to an end.
Bigger, Better Budget Tips for 2023
2021 has been another tough year. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. This year, try the following 6 tips to better your budget and your life for 2022.
How Student Loans Could Affect Your Taxes
Student loan borrowers may deduct up to $2500 in interest paid the past year.
My Student Loans Went to Collections! Now What?
This guide explores what it means to be in student loan collections -with solutions to get out, for good.